New @jjlin video “The Story Of Us” almost here! Start the decade right on 1/1/20 #mixedbyfurch
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New @jjlin video “The Story Of Us” almost here! Start the decade right on 1/1/20 #mixedbyfurch
Appearing on the @peach_and_black podcast talking about the making of Prince’s “Lotusflow3r/MPLSound” project was one of the highlights this year! Thank you guys for having me and let’s do it again in the next decade. #Repost @peach_and_black
As 2019 comes to a close, a massive thank you to all our amazing guests and fantastic listeners for the continued support of @peach_and_black podcast. This was our huge 10th anniversary year, which saw a record amount of shows, an additional spin off podcast called “Plus”, and the featured audio commentary on the Sign O The Times deluxe blu ray release.
Which was your favorite Peach and Black moments for the year and what would you like to see from Peach and Black Podcast in 2020?
Let us know!
#Prince #Prince4Ever #PaisleyPark #NPG #peachandblack #Spotify #ApplePodcasts #GooglePodcasts #peachandblackpodcast #Peachandblack10
Thank you to @rev3rend for the incredible artwork over the years
Tomorrow… @gem0816 new album “City Zoo”. So excited for this one. S/o to @gem0816 for continuing your great music @tma68 for the fire production and music #mixedbyFurch #Repost @gem0816 with @get_repost
Super excited for the release of my new album “City Zoo” on Dec 27! Stay tuned!!!
@starwars with my True Love @kylerengland at @arclightcinemas “The Dome”. This is the picture you get when you sit exactly in the center of the place, looking up at the Cinerama Dome Ceiling #nospoilers
Oh @berkleecollege to say that I don’t probably owe my entire life, my career and meeting my wife here would be a lie. You made everything possible and it all started with music. And it continues with music. A few weeks back I was able to give back as a visiting artist and teach in 12 classes over three days in the mighty Music Production and Engineering department which is still run by most of my original teachers and mentors. It was a whirlwind. It was thrilling. I hope all of the great students learned something new. Perspective about the real world of mixing records. I learned from you. Each one teach one. If you’ll have me back, i’ll be there every year. Promised. Thank you to @carlhunterb Mark Wessel Rob Jaczko Mitch Benoff Dan Thompson. You rule. Supremely. Thank you. #toughtbyFurch #almamater (at Berklee College of Music)
New @gem0816 video “City Zoo@ is out now. LINK IN BIO. Super creative and detailed. Can you recognize all the album covers? Multiple viewings required! #mixedbyfurch s/o @tma68 for the great mysic as well.
Almost here. @gem0816 “City Zoo” Video. #mixedbyfurch masterfully produced by @tma68
Congrats @indiaarie and happy to play a part in your story! Have a great weekend and celebrate great music! #Repost @indiaarie with @get_repost
SO MUCH GRATITUDE FOR YOU ALL! #worthy #soulbirdsworldwide #iamlight #songversation
@tobilou deserves everything that’s good coming to him. He’s a class act and master artist and i’m so happy for how his music connected this year. Honored to have played a part of it. Album “Live On Ice” #mixedbyFurch check it. And a/o to @chilottery you did that thing! #Repost @tobilou with @get_repost
i fucking love y’all
Back at number 1, baby! Go @indiaarie go @aaronwlindsey #mixedbyFurch #Repost @indiaarie with @get_repost
Sooooooo … steady Love is BACK at #1!!! on Adult R&B radio! HAAHAH~!! went #2 behind my BOO @4everbrandy … and then I woke up yesterday to find … were #1 AGAIN! .. 4th week… this is SO FREAKING COOL…. a DOPE way to end this decade. I could tell you some STORIES about 2009 -2019 … SO MUCH HAPPEND. AND, now this … and I LOVE IT MORE than I have words to express. Love to all #soulbridsworldwide. THANK YOU @aaronwlindsey for Changing my life.