Oh @berkleecollege to say that I don’t probably owe my entire life, my career and meeting my wife here would be a lie. You made everything possible and it all started with music. And it continues with music. A few weeks back I was able to give back as a visiting artist and teach in 12 classes over three days in the mighty Music Production and Engineering department which is still run by most of my original teachers and mentors. It was a whirlwind. It was thrilling. I hope all of the great students learned something new. Perspective about the real world of mixing records. I learned from you. Each one teach one. If you’ll have me back, i’ll be there every year. Promised. Thank you to @carlhunterb Mark Wessel Rob Jaczko Mitch Benoff Dan Thompson. You rule. Supremely. Thank you. #toughtbyFurch #almamater (at Berklee College of Music)